5 reasons to emphasize on cover letter for fresher

5 reasons to emphasize on cover letter for fresher

So you've crafted a wonderful resume, it's flawless and ready to make a killer first impression. You upload it on a portal for the recruiter to check. Two weeks down the line, the recruiter hasn't got back to you and you start having second thoughts about your candidature because you think you've ticked all the boxes. But, you haven't. You haven't written a killer cover letter. Perfect candidates lose out on a plethora of opportunities owing to this reason. Given your interest in knowing the importance of a cover letter for fresher or professional background, we believe you're one of them. It's time you pay some heed to the cover letter as well. We give five reasons to get you started. 


1. It shows that you're interested in the opportunity.

Honestly, the reason we're writing this article is to get good candidates to get the job they dream of. It also implies that there aren't many people who make use of this great instrument. As already proved in many types of research, a recruiter spends Few seconds of time on a resume. You're bound to stand out if you include a cover letter or add a professional background to it. It will automatically give you an edge over others who haven't included one. It tells them you're interested and not any other guy looking for a job change. 


2. Tells who you are and why they should hire you.

A resume cannot cover everything on a page. It misses out on many important things like the reason for your application, what you bring to the table, and other important things. Write your achievement and introduce yourself in innovative ways. A good cover letter gets these points across to the recruiter in a direct yet subtle manner, which you should make use of. 


3. To convey your strengths.

An ideal resume would convey your strengths and put you in a good light. However, it's only possible for the recruiter to interpret your strengths if they find the time required to read between lines and patterns of events. In these quickly paved lives, the recruiter hardly gets time to have a proper glance at your resume, expecting them to read between lines is far-fetched. 


4. Makes up for a resume that can't stand alone.

Oftentimes, our resume isn't as perfect as we think it is. Semantic mishaps may distort the intricacies we would like to convey, or even worse change the meaning you want to convey. The point being here is, a resume may look flawless to a certain set of eyes, but might be flawed in the recruiter's eyes. A good cover letter for freshers may make up for some of these distortions and increase your chances of moving to get shortlisted, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. 


5, Shows your writing skills

Writing isn't everybody's cup of tea. One should understand the importance of english in their career growth. With a growing emphasis on inbound and outbound communication, writing is definitely a quality recruiter would expect in any candidate for any role. A well-written cover letter is a tool to show off your writing skills and prove your worth in the world of business communication. 



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